Parenting Tips For New Parents: Setting Up The Best Future For Your Kids
You want the best for your kids, right? You’re not alone. Every parent wants their kids to succeed in life. They want their children to grow up healthy, happy and fulfilled in every aspect of life. It is every parents’ dream and surely, this is the same for you. We, at Name Colorology, know that you would go at great lengths to make sure your kids are well-prepared and equipped to tackle life’s challenges and succeed in the real world. If you search over the internet, there are tons of parenting tips, financial insurances, parenting groups, apps, celebrity parents to follow… numerous information on how to be the best, supportive parents to your child. But in all honesty, with the flood of data, advices and instructions, here at Name Colorology, we have a simpler way that will pave the way for your child’s future success.
Keeping Your Children Out Of Trouble
We all know nowadays that young people are being more exposed to violence, criminal activities, drugs and other negative external influences. Name Colorology and Greycastle claim that you must guard and steer your children away from their negative character traits of their name and keep them on their positive character traits path which will keep them out of trouble that many children are experiencing nowadays. He even claims that certain names may lead your child to a criminal path or even worse.
Choosing The Right Name
According to B.P. Greycastle, founder of Name Colorology, 95% of the most successful and famous people in many fields – Archeologists, Artists, Architects, Athletes, Comedians, Composers, Designers, Doctors, Educators, Environmentalists, Health Gurus, Inventors, Journalists, Lawyers, Models, Musicians, Peace Makers, Photographers, Physicists, Positive-Thinking Philosophers, Promoters, Richest, Romantics, Sales People, Singers, Talk Show Hosts, Writers and many more, owe their success because of their color-coded names.
Setting up the best future begins by choosing the right name for your child. This is the most vital and crucial undertaking when you get into Name Colorology philosophy. Your child’s name will determine the positive and negative character traits that your child will possess. Then we will identify the energy centers where natural skills, abilities and ingenuity are in abundance so your child can develop and cultivate these energy centers. That will spell the difference in your child’s future success.
So if you want your child to become an artist, a doctor, a lawyer or any other career field listed above, or if you have already named your child, Name Colorology can tell you what career field would be an exact fit for them.
Now let’s give you one example, we will use the name Carol Baker. If you look at the color letter chart below and analyze Carol Baker’s name, you can see that the first letter in her name, which is a letter C, actually phonetically sounds to a K sounding letter, which is an orange letter. Then look at the 3rd letter in her first name which is an R – another orange letter. Then looking at her last name, the 3rd sounding letter is a K… again, an orange letter. Then looking at the last letter in her last name, which is an R, another orange letter.
What this is telling us is that this name is really dominated by the character traits and talents of the orange spectrum which is the color of creativity, versatility, warmth and kindness. She has orange attuned to her spiritual / genius / creative center and she is a double orange vocal center person and an orange physical center person, an orange control center person and an orange grounding survival center person.
This girl’s name would be a perfect fit in becoming an artist, dancer, designer, singer, or could excel in advertising / marketing / promotional fields, or any other career field that has to do with arts and creativity. She will be able to have creative ideas, be creative vocally, physically and the ability to creatively survive tough situations. The fields we just listed are perfect career choices for her name.

Now, looking at all the career fields listed up above, Name Colorology can design a name for your child that would be perfect for any of those career fields, or if your child already has a name, we can determine which career is a perfect fit for their name.
> Schedule a Consultation with B.P. Greycastle to know what are the possible names for your child to ensure the best future for your kid. You can also inquire about workarounds and corrective recommendations if a name has already been given to your child.