Dressing well is not just putting together branded clothes, or your most comfortable and favorite outfits of the day. In dressing well, one must also think about harmony – how all the pieces within an outfit should harmonize together. The colors and patterns should complement each other. It is good to work with a limited color pallet to get the elegant look. Otherwise too many colors will be more visually chaotic. Another consideration for harmonious fashion is how clothes fit well and proportionate to your body to get a well-balanced look.

But overall, more than how the outfit is put together, harmonious fashion is about how the wearer projects that cheery, positive countenance. There is a certain calmness, confidence and balance… it’s like everything is well-coordinated – from the clothes to the wearer.

Schedule a consultation with B.P. Greycastle and he will give you a full name analysis that will determine your color-coded name and dominant energy centers. You will be able to lead a more harmonious and optimized life by cultivating your energy centers.

Harmonious Fashion Samples

Note: These are a few fashion style samples. We encourage you to go with the styles you want . Our Name and Color Philosophy will help you successfully put together your own style and project the image you wanted.

Please click to enlarge the photos.