Sometimes called academia fashion, tweeds, velvet, corduroy, knitted jumpers, turtlenecks and brogues dominate this intellectual fashion style. The sharp and sleek outfits make you look clever, profound, cultured, calm, elegant, trustworthy, professional.

The mental energy center is where our common sense, logical, analytical, intellectual, mental, personality and skills originate. Those that have cultivated and operated off their mental center will be more intellectual, logical and have good common sense in many cases.

Interested to know more about Name Colorology and the 7 energy centers? You can buy the book here or Schedule a consultation with B.P. Greycastle. He will be able to give you a full name analysis that determines your color-coded name and dominant energy centers. Optimize your life by cultivating your energy centers.

Intellectual Fashion Samples

Note: These are a few fashion style samples. We encourage you to go with the styles you want . Our Name and Color Philosophy will help you successfully put together your own style and project the image you wanted.

Please click to enlarge the photos.