Optimize Your Life

In Your Name & Colors: Key to Your Beauty, Personality, Romance and Success, author B.P. Greycastle has shown that the most successful and famous people in many fields – Archeologists, Artists, Architects, Athletes, Comedians, Composers, Designers, Doctors, Educators, Environmentalists, Health Gurus, Inventors, Journalists, Lawyers, Models, Musicians, Peace Makers, Photographers, Physicists, Positive-Thinking Philosophers, Promoters, Richest, Romantics, Sales People, Singers, Talk Show Hosts, Writers and many more, are successful because they were able to cultivate the positive character traits of their color-coded names. He even proves, with undeniable evidence, that Sir Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein owe their great knowledge of physics to their names. 

All of us have names. We only need to determine what colors are attuned to our name and the energy centers that we need to cultivate. From there, we would be able to find out how we can be successful in our careers, romantic relationships, public image, personal development – practically in every aspect of our life, including wardrobe and home decor.

Name Colorology can :

  • Determine, and tune a person into their spiritual/moral/genius/creative center colors, traits and talents
  • Discover mental center colors intellectual capabilities to make analytical, logical, common sense, and practical decisions
  • Attune one’s vocal/harmony/organizational center, colors, traits and talents, being more harmonious with others and singing uses.
  • Determine one’s physical/heart/truthful/compassion center colors traits and talents
  • Discover power/control/corporate center colors, traits and talents
  • Determine emotional/romantic/soul/relax center colors, talents and traits
  • Discover glamorous/sexual/grounding/survival center colors, traits and talents
  • Determine who your soul mate should be.
  • Stimulate and turn on your soul mate romantically and sexually.
  • Learn how your name effects your relations with others.
  • How to determine which centers are your strongest and which ones need to be cultivated to bring more balance in your life.
  • Determine what careers are best for your children as soon as you determine their names.
  • Know what colors to decorate your home to stimulate your seven centers and your other family members centers.
  • Learn what colors to wear to project any of the seven different image types – youthful, intellectual, harmonious, dramatic, corporate, romantic and glamorous.
  • Impress others in conversations for personal and business or job interviews by knowing others’ colors and character traits based on their names that they consider very important.
  • And so much more.

Optimize your life now! Schedule a consultation with B.P. Greycastle by clicking the link.